Manas created this page to view all his tags in once place The tags used may not match the real Acroyoga terms and he uses these tags to organise his videos. He has put it on internet in case this is helpful to others in Acro community. It is free to use and you are welcome to message him in Instagram if you has any feedback. And if you have too many negative feedbacks and you are not able to make sense of any of these tags, then please do not message him and just ignore this website for your own peace of mind

If you are jamming with friends and you want to pick a fun transition to try, then you can use the RANDOM ACT in menu bar which is designed to pick a random post every time.

If you are creating your own flow and want to explore a cool way to get out of a pose like star or reverse bird, then you can find the pose in below tags list and see all the posts related to that pose.

Tabbed Tag Cloud

Accordion Tag Cloud

Alphabetical Tag Cloud

Tag List

Alphabetical Tag Index

Created by Chatty Mango’s Tag Groups plugin